Elementary School Enrollment

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Dustin Adams, Principal

Leah Hyatt, Counselor

Eminence Elementary is a small school with BIG OPPORTUNITIES! Our student-focused mission has led to many recent changes. In 2020 we completed a journey of over two years to become officially STEM Certified, a designation of the Indiana Department of Education. That means state officials recognized that Eminence Elementary is innovating in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in ways only 90 schools in the state have – that’s out of more than 2,200 schools! Our students answer real world questions with hands-on investigations and the engineering design process. Learning comes alive when multiple subjects come together in project-based learning. We have STEM-focused extra-curricular programs including Girls Who Code and a competitive VEX robotics program that sent two teams to the state tournament last year. Eminence students will be ready for the future due to our commitment to STEM! 

Another way we serve students in new and exciting ways is through Social-Emotional Learning. Social-Emotional Learning or SEL is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. All of us have social and emotional needs, and we empower students to be their best selves when we give them the tools to approach their social and emotional needs proactively. There are no bad kids – kids sometimes make bad decisions, and often those bad decisions are rooted in social and emotional concerns. We are trying to make smart kids, but we also want to help them be happy, self-confident, and well-adjusted people.

Students can only learn if they are safe, and school safety is a priority at Eminence Elementary School! We utilize multiple safety technologies including protective window film, Raptor identity checks for visitors, Bark online safety support, and electronic locks. Our school utilizes a security officer from the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department on campus all day every school day.  

Our staff and students are trained in the ALICE Active Shooter and Preparedness Solution which research shows is more effective than sheltering in place. We have used state recommendations and the Center for Disease Control Decision Tree to minimize risk of coronavirus exposure. At Eminence Elementary School we love kids, and we are driven to keep them safe!

Eminence Elementary School is committed to high growth and high achievement for all students. We have high ability programs, as well as Response to Intervention, Title 1 services, and a dedicated special education program. We use diagnostic and screening tests to measure students’ skills and match them with appropriate instruction, including extensions and remediation. Additional help is available in our afterschool program. We have completed a guaranteed and viable curriculum map that pushes all our students to master the most important and rigorous content.

Number of Students per Teacher


We're one of only 24% of schools in Indiana to be STEM certified


Fewer safety and disciplinary incidents than similar schools


All students have access to a Chromebook