In an attempt to advance our school further into the technology realm, we are asking for your help. Speak Up is an online national research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow, which is free to our school. This online survey tool provides an easy way for students, parents, community members and educators to participate in the dialogue about K-12 program and policy decisions at the local, state, and national level. As a participant in Speak Up, our district will receive free, online access to the aggregated results with national comparisons, but more importantly, we will be provided with valuable data, which we will use for planning, budgeting, and professional development for the rest of the school year and next school year as well.
How can you help? Please go to our home page, there is a Speak Up link on our page, and once you click on the link, it will take you through a survey. This survey will be done by all students and staff members, and we need your help to ensure we have a voice from parents and community members! Your feedback is important to the success and growth of school. Thank you for your time!
Click here for instructions: Speak Up 2014 Survey Instructions