ECSC Professional Learning Community Parent Input Survey
(Late Start/Early Release)
The staff of the Eminence Community School Corporation is committed to continuous school improvement. The current structure does not allow for staff to meet regularly to focus on teaching and learning. Currently, the staff engages in 1-2 faculty meetings per month (and during their own time whenever possible) to discuss teaching and learning. We believe additional meeting time is needed for professional development and staff collaboration in order maintain our focus on continuous school improvement.
One strategy to address this need would be the development of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). A dedicated PLC meeting time one day per week would greatly enhance our ability to provide for the professional development of staff and the opportunity for staff collaboration in the following areas:
- Align curriculum with the state standards for each course and grade level
- Examine students’ work
- Create common assessments or tests
- Analyze students’ testing data to determine goals to improve each student’s learning
- Identify students that need additional time and support to meet standards or move beyond standards
In order to implement this practice we would need to start school 30 minutes later one day per week or dismiss students 30 minutes early one day per week. Indiana Code currently mandates a minimum daily requirement of five (5) hours of instructional time for grades 1-6 and six (6) hours of instructional time for grades 7-12. The decrease in 30 minutes of instruction per week would not impact our compliance with this statute. Students will attend all of their classes (no home room) within the shortened school day and buses will run thirty (30) minutes late or thirty (30) minutes earlier to accommodate this initiative.
We are interested in parent input regarding this program. Parents of current Eminence students may access the survey using the link below.
For additional information about PLCs please view the link below.