Want to encourage your child’s reading during the summer?
In coordination with the Summer Servings lunch program from July 6th until July 29th, students in Pre-K through 6th grade can participate in our summer reading program. We have a special take-home library of high interest books at various reading levels.
Books can be borrowed or returned each Tuesday during Summer Servings from 11:30 to 12:30. Students participating will receive a cool drawstring book bag. Pick up your summer reading chart at the school during Summer Servings or print off a copy (click here). There is also a summer reading bingo card that is fun for any age.
There are prizes including a chance in a drawing for an 7 inch Amazon Fire tablet for those students that meet challenges for books and chapters read.
How it works:
Students that read picture books record each one on the chart. Little ones may need a bigger person’s help.
Students that read chapter books can record the book the same as any book, but the reader should tally the number of chapters he or she has read on the line below.
You can grow your “book worm” any Tuesday, and if you reach a prize, you may be able to get it that day.
- The Sundae Party and drawing for the Fire tablet will be on July 29th. You do not have to be present to win the drawing, but you have to be present to eat your sundae.