Eminence Plan Overview

Considerations outlined within the Eminence Community School Corporation plan are intended to provide guidance for preparing school operations as a result of the pandemic As the conditions, current medical landscape, and growing body of knowledge surrounding COVID-19 evolves it will continue to present challenges to planning, preparing, and guiding school operations. Revisions to this document will be made as new information, guidance, and directives are provided to schools.



  • If a student is in close contact with a Covid + person, they are not required to quarantine.
  • If a person at home is Covid +, the student is not required to quarantine.
  • If a student is a close contact at school, the administration team will contact the families of the student to notify them of the close contact to help monitor for symptoms. There will be no mandatory quarantine after the close contact. A close contact is defined as an individual who was within 6 feet of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.
  • If a student tests positive, they must isolate for 5 full days, (day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the date of the positive viral test for asymptomatic persons). They may return to school on day 6 but must wear a mask on days 6-10.
  • People who are confirmed to have Covid 19 regardless of their vaccination status will isolate.
  • If a student had symptoms and symptoms are improving they may end isolation after day 5 if fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
  • If a student’s symptoms are not improving please continue to isolate until they are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.



  • Masks are not required in the building but are allowed. If social distancing is not possible – masks may be worn but this is optional.
  • Masks are optional on all school corporation buses or vans.



  • Students will be asked to stay home or will be sent home if they have a fever. Students may return to school after 24 hours being fever free without the assistance of medication to reduce the fever.
  • The CDC recommends vaccinations for students ages 5 and up. Eminence does not require vaccination for staff or students.
  • Both PCR and Rapid tests will be approved by the Eminence School Corporation.


Athletics and ECA’s

  • There will be no restrictions regarding athletics. Coaches are still encouraged to clean equipment before and after use. Locker rooms will be in full use. No masks are required for student-athletes or fans, unless they are in the day 6-10 Covid + protocol.


Special Education/504

  • The special education teachers will reach out to parents and will ask if they want in person or virtual meetings. All meetings will be attempted to be held virtually, however, if a parent is unable to meet virtually, the school will agree to meet in person in the school with the social distancing put in place.



  • Masks are optional on all school corporation buses or vans.
  • No students will be allowed to be on other buses. They must ride their designated bus or be picked up by a family member.
  • Bus drivers are not required to have assigned seats, due to no required contact tracing, however a bus driver may assign seats based on behaviors or personal bus rules.


Symptoms Impacting Consideration for Exclusion from School

Students and employees will monitor symptoms to recognize the following COVID-19-related symptoms:

  • A fever of 100.4 ° F or greater
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore Throat
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Congested/Runny Nose
  • Diarrhea


Medical Inquiries

Federal law typically limits the type of medical inquires that can be made, but given the nature of the pandemic more leeway has been given to districts/schools in this circumstance to make additional medical inquiries of staff and students than would otherwise be allowed. Additional medical inquiries are:

  • If a parent tells the district/school that a student is ill, the district/school may ask the parent whether the student is exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19
  • If an employee calls in sick or appears ill, the distract/school can inquire as to whether the employee is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • If a person is obviously ill, the district/school may make additional inquiries and may exclude the person from school property.


For Answers to Questions Regarding the Plan

If parents or guardians have questions regarding these policies, please contact the principal’s office of the school where your student(s) attends.

If employees have questions regarding these policies, please contact your immediate supervisor.

Mr. Dustin Adams – Eminence Elementary School: 756-528-2141

Ms. Vickie Winslow – Eminence Jr.-Sr. High School 756-528-2222


In the event our school is closed for a period of time there will be no use of facilities by and group and all activities will be canceled. This applies unless the superintendent determines it is in the best interest of the school corporation and its students and staff to allow certain activities to continue even while student instruction is being conducted virtually.


Updated 6-30-2020
Updated 7-1-2020
Updated 7-21-2020
Updated 9-1-2020
Updated 7-22-2021
Updated 8-19-2021
Updated 12-16-2021
Updated 1-24-2022
Updated 2-24-2022
Updated 3-17-2022
Updated 6-16-2022
Updated 12-15-2022
Updated 6-15-2023

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